
I daily’d a Honda Big Ruckus 250cc to work for years, in temps down to ~15 degrees in Colorado. 1 gallon of gas a week with a 3 gallon tank made for a very cheap commute. Sure, you can get it up to 50 MPH then hit something stationary and kill yourself, but it isn’t a sportbike.

Alternately, keep the Tacoma and add a Miata.

$25K Chevy Bolt

My second LC gets here this week, buddy has an LFA. Yeah they’re not at the same level, obviously. On production count alone — Lexus looks on track to sell ~15-16K LCs total, vs 500 LFAs — you’ll never have an LC go to the moon like the LFAs have. Second gen NSX’s are just under ~2K cars total. I didn’t buy my first

Now playing

My advice to all of you: before the LC500 is discontinued, buy one. Get a new one if you can afford it, or a depreciated used one if you can’t. If you can’t afford those, an IS500, RC-F or GS-F will do. But the LC is the best.

Been negotiating / comparing dealers on OTD price for years. Some of them love it because they know how to win it (price) and do. Some of them hate it because they know they won’t be able to nickel and dime you. “Come in let’s talk” is the worst way to get me into your store when I’ve e-mailed to get an OTD price on

I live in Colorado and found the ride in both to be good enough. I sold the 3 for the Y because I hit my head getting in and out of the 3 a good bit, I had no complaints about the ride.  A friend’s wife didn’t like the ride in her Y so we swapped the suspension, it was a good bit of work and (in my opinion) not worth

Their wheelbase is less than an inch different now (used to be ~3 inches), the GX has the same engine and factory offroad trims. I’m not sure what the extra $30K base price on the LX is for...the cooler in the armrest? Showing the other mommies in the pickup line that your husband earns more than theirs do?

I’ve owned a Model 3 and a Model Y, now I own a ‘22 Chevy Bolt.

The ES before 2012 was a rebadged Camry. The ES after 2012 is a rebadged Avalon. Both cars known to be very long-term reliable. No offense but your suggestion on this is blatantly ignorant.

Oh god, so many times this. I’m ~$16K into my 1994 convertible example — that I bought for $9500 — that is worth about $12K fully sorted.

“I had a package delivered today to a visually distinct front door, but it’s easier to ask every owner in my 1500 home master planned community on NextDoor if they got my package than to check the 2-3 houses on either side of me for the front door in the photo. Does anybody have my package?”

I think the best suggestion is actually combining two of the cars here with his ~$40K budget: Miata + Mini EV

Any reasonable adult who first hears of this story as “they named it paddock after the mass shooter!” would take 4 seconds on Google and learn the truth. Because the idea that a global racing series would name their garage area after a mass shooter is idiotic.

F1 probably could have come up with a different name than “paddock” for the garage area

Wow, can’t believe I’m the first to mention the Honda CR-Z:

Re: your Viper comment.  My dad was 16 in 1969. I asked him once how they didn’t all die from those high-horsepower cars with crap suspensions and terrible tires.  His answer was “talent”.  A ‘94 Viper only had 10% more horsepower than a 1969 Plymouth Judge, but had a lot more rubber.

+1, criticism of the delSol as a performance disappointment in an era of the NSX and then S2000 is strange. Honda knows how to build sportscars, both of those cars are appreciating wildly as we speak. So if this car is a disappointment, more likely that the expectations are incorrect than the car being a failure.

Fun delSol story.

If you want to compare Californians and Texans, the difference is, generally speaking Californians disappear and assimilate while Texans haul their “hold my beer” culture along with them and crap all over our surroundings.