You fucked up your state and made it uninhabitable for half the year and now you want to drive north to fuck up ours.
We see you as a threat to our way of life and murderers of our culture.
Lived in Texas for 8 years, never heard about the Colorado rivalry.
I moved to Colorado 12 years ago for offroading. I’ve been in Ouray every summer since.
Same frame / wheelbase, 4-cylinder hybrid Tacoma powerplant is the most likely outcome.
Bronco Sport is based on the Ford Escape, a unibody crossover with no low range. The Land Cruiser will be body-on-frame with a transfer case. No shock that Toyota isn’t doing a removable roof, but otherwise it’s far closer to the Bronco / Wrangler than a Bronco Sport.
Was there any doubt? Toyota gonna Toyota. I was hoping at least that it would get a spare tire on the rear door, with a better departure angle.
Tesla 3 / Y and Tundra / 4Runner / LC500 owner here.
I figure it’ll either be a “2-door” peer to the 4Runner (as the FJ was) with the same drivetrain options, or it’ll be a GX with a retro 70-series body.
If the NSX leads to an S2000 reboot with a 4-cylinder version of the NSX’s torque-filled drivetrain, I’ll say it’s worth it.
Because no matter what you spend to repair it, this is what they are worth when you’re done.
The enthusiast’s girlfriend / wife drives this car, for the retro convertibleness. My wife likes Nissans but hasn’t driven a manual in 25 years. We used to go to Cars & Coffee in just my car. Now she meets me there in this.
This is the most expensive Z32 configuration you could buy back in the day. Nissan intentionally left the turbos off because they thought it would be too expensive for people to then want to spend the extra for the turbos.
A baby version of that car for 60K would be nice.