Jimmy Avoid the Clap Dugan

I have. There's nothing they can do.

I kind of wonder how long apple has known about it. You know, acceptable risk and all.

Kind of opposite of that, but yes, bigger.

They should use this on the ass of pants and shorts so that when I sit on a deceivingly dry bench that has a fine layer of dew, I don't look like I peed my ass.

If you do that your penis will become super Gynophobic.

He didn't seem to say anything out of the ordinary for someone in severe inescapable pain.

I'm sure if you get enough capsaicin in you, your body makes similar reactions though. Enough pain can send you into shock. I've even heard of people not being able to catch their breath after eating a whole one of these.

I've been buying almost all my t-shirts at the goodwill/thrift shops for years now. Currently, i am wearing one that says "return your film to Walmart for quality developing!". I love wearing it around my sister-in-law who is a pro photographer.

Must... make... 9 hour... journey... to San Diego....

I wouldn't call AB the end of the spectrum, but it's up there though. Try out some of the Belgian Ales, Like Chimay or Duvel. Those will do you some good. Also Anything from Unibrue (you can find it at most major grocers)

The IPA Maximus is tasty!

Keep Your Platinum, I'll stick with the palladium.

Seriously. The only problem I foresee though is the size of the screen. If you're trying to fix small details in illustrator or photoshop, it may get tricky. I wonder how well the desktop software will work with a touch screen and no right click.

The $500 model is 32 Gb. A 32 Gb iPad 2 is $599.

I'm sure development has already begun for games that can utilize the extra power. If tablets keep becoming more powerful, we'll see more professional software being ported to mobile platforms. Think about it, instead of taking notes when you get inspiration, you can pump out a first draft without touching a computer.

So... you want a netbook?

Buy 2 fire tablets and use one to wipe your ass with.

Alternatively, it looks like a sound wave of a dial up modem.

ow. Ow. OW! AAH! OW OWOWOWOWO! AHHH!!! OW, ow ow AHHHH OW ow ow owo owow.

Incorrect syntax.