Jimmy Avoid the Clap Dugan

That little shit-head didn't even bother installing this in his back yard. What an asshole.

Is it me, or did archos get thrown under the bus? They were out with sleak looking media tablets way before the iPad was even an iDea. Large hard drives, apps, decent battery life. Played movies, downloaded and played songs. Had Sd expandable memory. Microphone... They even have a decent looking android tablet these

Somehow, you seem to not get jokes. Should he have just said "people problems"? He would sound as moronic as you. I can't tell if you're either a white guy who is offended by this or if you're just saying other people deserve to be recognized for getting screwed by shitty service. Maybe both? And this guy was just WAY

Why comment then? Saying that will get you banned here.

Comcast speed tests are bullshit. They have that "speedboost" thing where the the first 10 megabytes or so go really fast, but then anything more than that, and it throttles back down to your rated speed. It makes small downloads go fast, but then your speedtest shows a bigger number than your actual speed average, so

Well man, if you start an ISP, make damn well sure that your company slogan is "We're not Verizon, and we're definitely not Cox!"

It never fails. XKCD has already said everything.

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The real problem? Airlines love hiring meat-heads to save monies. United has a bit of a track record proving this.

I think you missed the joke.

That's exactly why I leave my trash after a ball game or a movie. Job Security!

A lot of those applications are probably ones they had on file, so I would think it would be screwing the people who were at the top of the list for review.

The best part is she didn't tag the actual restaurants name, just "jackoff".

As long as it matches the drapes.

I don't know... that thing looks about 1.5 Nalgenes to me.

Whoever commented first on this article totally missed a great opportunity to use "first!!1" in context.

Easy solution: Go hang a painting on whatever you're shooting, and then photoshop it out later.

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Yeah, them Japanese folk sure love their tiny things.