Jimmy Avoid the Clap Dugan

If John Conner hasn't come back to stop this yet, that means we lose and the legend of the terminator is false.

Shit, they could have just used a Segway and made the legs obsolete altogether.

I think it's pronounced "Jeehrbs".

Now playing

Hold on just a minute! Legs are SO much more useful than just a means of transportation.

Now playing

But Casey, I don't think you understand. The guns they were trying to use were THESE!

Someone should make an alarm that uses those sticky electrodes that make your muscles tighten and release. You could strap it to you so that your arms or legs start twitching when you want to wake up.

"When the shark... bit.. my lip... it.... bit, pretty hard"

When I was an infant, I weighed 16lbs, but then I was circumcised and I weighed about 8lbs.

I feel bad for the lady in the background being sat on a rather phallic post.

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Just got back from the top of Whitney and I can assure you it's still where it's always been.

Residents of Lone Pine

My Alaskan Friends tell me McKinley is the "Man's" name for the mountain. Denali was the native name for it, but the name was changed by a guy trying to raise political support for William McKinley (who was from Ohio).

Seriously that power boost crap is stupid. Just give me a reliable connection and no bullshit.

Now playing

I've always liked the blues brothers crashes.

Is there any reports on the topography down there? This looks like a rock or object just slid down a hill.

I once saw a list of top sports in the US. Of course there was Baseball, Football, Basketball and Hockey at the top. I think Soccer came in around 14th? But the funniest part is that "World Series of Poker" comes in at number 7.

This doesn't fix anything. If anything, having an actual Facebook friendship would give at least some accountability, considering people you are friends with can see your conversations. Weather you have an account or not, you can still keep things under the radar by simply messaging one another.

Hey! That's my Frisbee! I've been looking for that for ages!

That was probably leftover from a Swedish source. A period is used instead of a comma in a many European countries.