Jimmy Avoid the Clap Dugan

I always figured my ear was just blowing into the shell.

mumble...mumble.. bilderberg....mumble...mumble...

old guys?

Honey! Go get me that sledgehammer! Those damn gnomes are playing in the kiddy pool again!

This is a pleasant surprise. It's starting to almost feel as functional as the pre -"fuck you" design of early 2011. Good job to gawker on finally listening to readers. We all thought you guys just ate a bunch of weird drugs, but now we can see that you may still have some love for your readers.

That's called eugenics, Hitler.

"No one can do an anti-freeze marinade like you can, Murdock," Face soothed his lover, throwing him a smile. "But I got a little Bell's palsy the last time I ate that

Soon asshole.


Finally, I have a way to put all my stuff on the cloud, but still take up all kinds of room and suck my bandwidth and electricity. Can't wait till a rat finds it's way in there! Oh, the smells of home cooking!

Now playing

It would be like this scene but waaayyy grosser.

Not sure how many people have been to Santa Cruz, but for years there was this guy that would walk up and down pacific street (downtown). He was known as the Pink Guy, among other names. He dressed in pink, old-lady clothes and walked like a few inches a minute. I wonder if anyone ever made a time lapse of him.

$9.00, still cheaper then everyone else's unlimited anywhere plans.

I'm pretty sure rhapsody ate them up.

So, If you're the original owner, can you do what he did? Does it matter if you owe money still? My brother and his wife went upside-down on their house, but after filing for bankruptcy and moving out for about 4 months their lawyer called them to let them know that the bank couldn't do anything with their deed

I just see two sentence fragments.

Come here little bloggie! yes, you're just so cutsie-wootsy, aren't you! Yeeeshh, yuuur juuust the cutest little bloggie ev.... DAMMIT BLOGGIE!!!!! Honey go get the paper towels, your damn pet just spewed shit all over the rug! Fucking Bloggie! Why the hell did we get this thing in the first place. Dammit!

like surfing!

At least facebook only changed one part of their site at a time instead of compounding multiple non-functioning redesigns.