
Probably not. They use the metric system in Germany.

Wait, they race at Monaco, but don’t do the most iconic part of it? What?

Their final confrontation was brutal. Dillane’s painter character made me question my own mortality. Truth, pain, art, there was so much in that episode. And season 2 in a few hours!

It’s okay, Mr. Dillane. Many of us aren’t sure what was going on with Stannis, either. From a book reader perspective (cue groaning), it’s clear the showrunners didn’t like your character if they thought Renly was the “good” Baratheon.

Old guy checking in.

what’s a tandy?

Irish bands whose albums I’d like to see ranked, ranked.

the tour trucks got robbed

Such a shame. Was at the stadium when I saw him catch a long bomb on their first play from scrimmage in the playoffs against the Steelers that got the Pats going on the way to a big win.

He had a great career and deserves more credit for New England turning things around with the Kraft era. As much as everyone is quick to say fans in the northeast didn’t care about the Pats until Brady / Belichek, for my generation it was the Bledsoe teams from early-mid nineties that made us buy-in completely with

sweet! Do Stone Mountain next.

Wow. Has it really been 9 months since something from Georgia has imploded so quickly and in such spectacular fashion?

Long way to go, but damn if it wasn’t sweet when you got there! Kudos.

I also bumped into Jeff Fisher on a checkout line recently. It was at a 7-Eleven in Montana. However, after he left it was a 7-Nine.

It’s interesting that that’s what you chose to use for an example of why it’s bad for Incognito to be the voice of reason.

I was about to say the NFL made me agree with Richie Incognito, damn, I did not think that was possible.

You could have just titled this “Tyrese Gibson quits Fast and Furious franchise”

+1 Dual-handed finger snap

When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way