
Completely agree! Get rid of OT. Nothing wrong with ties. English Football has had ties for 150 years. Part and parcel of the game.

+1 rattlecan

The fact that fuckstick choke merchant Wondolowski makes 800K is wrong on principle.

Wonder how Teresa is taking the news.

+1 rattlecan.

“the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable”

Except the 1.8T engine (used in the TT, Golf etc.) was throwing the belt at 60K+ way before the scheduled replacement at ~100K. Mine went at 61K. Thus the lawsuit which was settled by Audi/VAG. Unfortunately I had sold mine on a trade-in before the settlement and was left out in the cold.

Nothing, just thought it was a little disingenuous to do a show about a second-hand TT without mentioning its Achilles’ heel.

This TT episode was bogus. Never mentioned the huge timing chain issue that caused a class action suit and me many thousand dollars. Fuck Audi.

+1 rattlecan.

When I moved to the US from Ireland, I had to dial the “cunt-o-meter” waaaay back.

where the Derby is run, innit!

How about it though? That was the first thing I thought. Caught the whole thing full frame and didn’t have the fucking phone in portrait. Kudos!

Thanks for this article! Conor O’Shea (who played on back-to-back Irish sides who beat England in 1993 and 1994) is a smart guy and he’s sporting royalty in Ireland. His father Jerome was one of the greatest Kerry footballers of all time winning 3 All Irelands in the late 1950's and his brothers are all doctors! It

How about it?!! This bus has been on my wish list for years. I’ve configured a million of them in my day.

Janey Mack. No relation to Kevin.

The automotive equivalent of why a dog licks his appendages.

Good Seinfeld rerun. Well done people. Well done.

“Tsut Tsut”