JMordu becoming “savethemilanos”

Police should be terminated and blackballed from all law enforcement if they discharge their weapon, even in the most justified circumstances. It’s a life or death descion, and there need to be serious consequences. You get one shot in your career, make it count. 

This. When an accident is purely cosmetic, it’s basically a crime for it to show up on Carfax. To ding a car for life because it needed a new hood or grille or fender but was mechanically sound is just wrong. 

Accidental post

Not at all. It’s orders of magnitude more complex than modeling the genome, as evidenced by the fact that my phone runs circles around any computer from the 20th century yet we still can’t model intelligence. I’m not saying it can’t be done. Just that it hasn’t been done and we’re not even close to understanding how

Ok great. then model me a human intelligence using math. I’ll wait. Of course the basic interactions are basic, but the end result is clearly so much more than the sum of its parts, or we’d have a much deeper understanding of how our brains work by now. We literally do not understand how thought and creativity

If an AI was capable of making art it would come up with its own concepts. That’s the absolute baseline requirement for art, creativity. StableDiffusion can’t think of anything at all, let alone an idea for a painting. It just responds to external prompts. It’s a little parlor trick, not even a useful art creation

So fucking false. I don’t think stupid on this level can even be reached so I’m not gonna try to give a response that someone who thinks human thought is defined by math not biochemistry could understand.

Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky. It’s a pretty unique program, unfortunately, as almost every community nationwide could benefit. Took the Executive director/founder a long time to build up the connections to really get it off the ground. I keep trying to get on the board and help figure out a way to expand the concept

I volunteer with an affordable transportation non-profit. We do quarterly maintenance clinics, kinda like not terrible jiffy-lube and at no cost to those served. Not open to the public at large, we generally fill up every spot we have from local women’s shelters and halfway house type programs. We get donated seeping

I do oil changes at least twice a year on the Sedan version of this car, blue, V6, 1995 at a charity oil change event. It seems older than my 1980s Alfa Romeos, which themselves are barely warmed over ‘70s designs. I’m gonna have to go with “No Dice at any price” for a ‘90s Buick Century. As others have said, if it

I’m in favor, if only to reduce pocket clutter. I already use a keypad lock at home so I don’t need to carry that key. not needing to carry a car key would be nice. Next step, make everything I do on my phone or with my wallet accessible on my watch and I can finally go empty pockets!

Oh my god. It’s not literally a collage. No one thinks this. I completely udnerstand the process. The end result is still an algortihm that can’t create, it can replicate things it’s already been trained on. Stable Diffusion can’t go “I want to paint a dog” it can only spit out a mathmatically generated amalgamation

To put it another way, is the photo snapped by a red light camera art just because photography is a medium artists can use?

The 3 year old’s art will be art. Because it was created with creative intent. “AI artists” do not do this. Even their creators say they only replicate art. scribbling all over a coloring book is art, because what makes art is the creative effort of the creator. Phrases like “creative activity” or “creative skill and

False. Even a three year old with a crayon has infinitely more artistic and creative energy than any current or on the horizon “AI Artist” The fundamental truth even the creators of these systems will admit is they have absolutely no capacity to create, just replicate. They’re like giving someone a really tall stack

The alternative to making self driving safer is for human driving to fall in safety until current self driving passes it. Not a good alternative, but considering the lack of progress in self-driving and the increasing crashes among human drivers, seems like the more likely outcome, unfortunately. Or we could learn to

But computers still don’t and can’t make art. They can use existing artwork to predict what art might look like, and replicate the look/feel of exisitng art. But no “AI Artist” has any capacity for creative or generative thought. If it doesn’t exist in the training dataset, the computer can’t come up with it. 

Definitely think you’re onto something with the societal messages aspect. When your experience is different than what pop culture regularly shows off as ‘normal,’ some set of people will then want to own, label and/or describe their “abnormality.”

The idea of being horny, having an urge to masturbate or “have sex”, but having no object in mind, no “desire” towards anything/anyone attached to that urge, makes sense to me. I get it. It’s not me, but it’s easy to grasp as a concept. Just like I totally understand the concept of being attracted to people of my own

Clearly it’s not a full sex mod, just textures. Since the vanilla game has so few times the textures would be visible, it’s pretty easy to imagine it getting missed. These are the guys who thought Cybperpunk was ready to be released in late 2020, so it’s not a shock they missed something