
Limiting your content access like HBO does is just a direct guarantee that people will pirate the heck out of it. And no, it doesn't affect the "little guy" like they tell you it does. It plays absolutely no role in their wages or employment.

Why did they design these things to look so stupid?!

This one is better...

Systemic change?

It's a movie.

*head explodes*

Worst. Idea. Ever.

"heists" should have been your first clue, genius.

If that's your opinion, then I suggest finding something other than io9 to read.

Who still plays that disappointment? I traded it a long time ago.

Give his number out to the internet. Somebody will find him and destroy him.

That's amateur turd polishing. The trick is in maintaining the original shape and surface detailing while still delivering an award winning shine.

Maybe you're right.

Marty and Doc Brown talk in a similar way in BTTF. Doc says "Marty" way too much.

Fair trade, organic mud.

Uh, well... they produce video games which serve to actively destroy lives.

EA not only sucks, they actively try to screw people over, and pat themselves on the back while doing it.

I'll toss in a polycarbonate enshrouded turd that was passed during the production of it with the first 10 sold. Signed and polished.

Why does Apple patent the most ridiculously generic stuff?

Uh yeah... everybody had a little freakout when Google bought Nest (mostly out of spite due to them beating Apple to it).