
I've been considering sealing each of my turds in polycarbonate and selling them off. Each one is unique, like a snowflake.

If anybody wants some for 75 dollars each, I can make you as many as you'd like.


We did this is Grade 4. We made a whole sky line.

Other reviewers generally put the Braun ahead. I've tried both the philips and the braun, and must say that the braun in the superior product.

*head explodes*


I'd like to direct you to the foremost scientist in that field; Robert Oppenheimer

Sometimes you can have patterns based on fissure lubrication, but it's not particularly tied to the seasons. More the rain.

Just make sure you know where these people live, or at least where their offices are. When they fail to deliver, or siphon funds off to pay for a new house, just find them and break their legs.

I am buying a waffle iron TONIGHT.

Yeah, I've seen those. They were very crude, but also darkly hilarious and off the wall. The guy who made the shorts is one of the co-creators, Justin Roiland. He was pushing the limits of what was acceptable at the time, but Family Guy has been plowing the road for this sort of thing for quite a while.

Screw EA, and screw Maxis.

That can easily be corrected by having them simply pickup more bacteria in their normal environment.


Dang it... I thought you meant THE Kirk Douglas.

Dear China,

THIS IS DISTRACTED DRIVING! If this isn't illegal, why the hell is talking on a cellphone illegal?

Need article on "Rick and Morty", Newitz. You know it's true. Stop delaying the inevitable.

I'm not old... I'm... what the... WHOSE HANDS ARE THESE?!?!