
This list is invalid without "Style" which is much more of a Drive-inspired 80s homage than "Wildest Dreams"
And "All Too Well" from Red is her best song. It is - and I dont use this lightly - Dylanesche lyrically and musically it has a country power ballad vibe.
Also "never grow up" sucks

SO I couldnt let this go, so I wiki-investigated this further, thinking that maybe one of the episodes was a double, bringing it up 51 hours. Don't think there was one but turns out the first season was supposed to be nine episodes, not seven (cut short because of the writers strike). Which would mean this would have

SO I couldnt let this go, so I wiki-investigated this further, thinking that maybe one of the episodes was a double, bringing it up 51 hours. Don't think there was one but turns out the first season was supposed to be nine episodes, not seven (cut short because of the writers strike). Which would mean this would have

So i totally thought I was a genius in working out that this was the 51st episode, and really excited to point it out when both this review and Sepinwall (who is normally all over something as overtly symbolic as that) didnt…
But then I double checked and its actually the 50th…

So i totally thought I was a genius in working out that this was the 51st episode, and really excited to point it out when both this review and Sepinwall (who is normally all over something as overtly symbolic as that) didnt…
But then I double checked and its actually the 50th…

have some of those porno magazines, large box of condoms, a couple of
those panty shields (and some illegal fireworks) and one of those
disposable enemas. Eh, make it two…

have some of those porno magazines, large box of condoms, a couple of
those panty shields (and some illegal fireworks) and one of those
disposable enemas. Eh, make it two…

I believe all of Friday Night Lights MUST be covered. I mean Saracens story especially - having to take adult responsibility before you are naturally supposed to. Or Streets - how to deal with having life dreams taken away from you. Or Minka Kellys - agreeing to marry your love but then later seasons adjusts your

I believe all of Friday Night Lights MUST be covered. I mean Saracens story especially - having to take adult responsibility before you are naturally supposed to. Or Streets - how to deal with having life dreams taken away from you. Or Minka Kellys - agreeing to marry your love but then later seasons adjusts your