No. There's nothing wrong with that. Seth MacFarlane was funny until he became over-exposed with three shows within two hours on FOX Sunday night.
No. There's nothing wrong with that. Seth MacFarlane was funny until he became over-exposed with three shows within two hours on FOX Sunday night.
I live in Michigan (which is a YES USA country in USA) and we have crackheads and shit that will also attack your pets and children. Super Scary!
More like Caroline Woznotexpectingthat!!!!11!
As a gay man, my experience of pole dancing has been limited to what I see on Real Housewives. Let's just say, it isn't very sexy. That said, this video is HOT. I now get why men want to see women pole dance.
Pictured: Car wreck, Donte Stallworth.
I keep hearing this in my suburban Minneapolis mother's voice. thank you.
You didn't read the whole thing, did you. Are you the LeBron James (Cavs version) of comment posting? Only giving us 3 quarters of attention span and skipping the 4th?
A child that age should not be capable of that expression.
At first, I was surprised by how incredibly level-headed she was through all of this. Then I realized how often she's had to touch his naked body and figured she's probably mastered the art of burying her emotions.
This puts a lot of pressure on the other twin.
Sosa's the last person I'd expect to be whitewashed.
Same month we lost the oldest living NFL player at 41.
Would have been far more effective in removing the lint had he started from the bottom.
Never change, Pop. You God damn national treasure, you.
What a fucking brat (unless he's a special needs child then "God Bless").