I'd like to see charges brought against Discovery for encouraging this bullshit
I'd like to see charges brought against Discovery for encouraging this bullshit
That's not enough money to drive around the most entitled, welfare sucking, snobs on the planet.
It always upsets me that they couldn't have remembered him with a better car.
Edit: Removed Double Post.
No sir. You see... it has been declared that there is no use for SUVs so... despite having usage cases, you're clearly wrong.
I see your Raphael Orlove and raise you a Doug Demuro.
Raphael Orlove
Vette wanna-be
I get that they're on the original model, but those eyebrow lights are dumb, and the car would look worlds better without them.
Let me don my bullet proof vest first... ok. Here we go.....are you ready?.... ok enough stalling here it is: the ONLY time Miata is the answer is when the question is: what is the second (1st is the old New Beetle) most feminine car you can purchase.
If / when someone does a WRX swap, that one.
It's like a Chevette and a Omni bumped uglies and abandoned the resulting offspring in Europe.
That wasn't 19" of water.
None of these are convincing me to get Instagram.
NASCAR is the real reason the rest of the world hates and mocks us and who can blame them?
Nah, for me personally the Audi A7 and Quattroporte both would come ahead for me. Maybe stretch to the S-Class if that fits.