I seriously want to see what happens to a Raptor SVT on the same jump, if for no other reason than to show people what they shouldn't do with their new truck.
I don't know why not. It's a perfectly cromulent word.
Driving is one of my favorite things to do, but it wouldn't be, if I had to drive a stick equipped car.
THANK YOU. I'm sick of the "manual makes everything better" argument. I drove an MR2 turbo as a daily driver in stop and go traffic for the better part of 3 years. You know what the manual transmission did? It made an already horrible drive even worse because I was constantly shifting from gear to gear. It didn't make…
why do i feel like all the people who "must have" a manual transmission are young, have non lengthy commutes that they haven't had to deal with for a decade, and are simply regurgitating the party line since they've gone from "i want a manual in case my battery dies" to "i want a manual so i can 'row my own'" talking…
This is cool and all, but I want the Diesel Ford Excursion back!
They still make Buicks?!
Whats sad is, the neighbor will probably have to put the dog down.
I think the only person happy about Affeck playing Batman will be George Clooney, because he'll no longer be the worst Batman ever.
Just because you have a lift and big tires doesn't mean you have a monster truck.
It seems like GM's new plan is to design models that look like other brands' so when its inevitably recalled and written about the pic under the headline wont stand out as much.
Hey, that's my father you're talking about... (he and my mom went there last year).