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    My erect can only get so penis.

    Please. What did this truck do that any other truck couldn’t do? It’s a publicity stunt for Toyota. The driver did the special thing, not the truck.

    I want as little politics as possible in my entertainment.

    You knew what the movie was and you watched it more than once. You lost your rights to complain about anything in it. 

    So... No extendable bed. Just a rehash of an older design.

    As long as I can get my hands on a K5 or 2dr FS Blazer or Tahoe.

    You’re kidding, right? The Z8 was HIDEOUS. I hadn’t really paid attention to BMW at that point and when the Z8 dropped, I thought it was the ugliest thing on 4 wheels. Still think it’s in the top 10 uggos of all time. I loved the scene in whatever James Bond movie was released around this time that sliced one down the

    Neither the car or Demi have aged very well.

    That exhaust note sounds like my dog snoring next to me.

    I would sell whatever organs I needed to sell in order to own one of these.

    CP, I kinda like it, but, I would only buy it for the chassis and the drive train and I’m not spending that much money in my head.

    Neutral: Please don’t update headlights. They’re expensive enough as it is. I see fine enough with the old sealed beams. Whatever halogens are stock in my Colorado are too bright as it is. 

    I’d be happy to own it.

    It’s not perfect, but, it is awesome.

    I would bring back the spiritual successor to the Pontiac Fiero GT. Take the 2.0LT that they’re putting in the Camaro and drop it into a compact Rear-Mid platform. Price it between $25-30K. Since Pontiac, as a brand is dead, make it a Chevy Corvair GT.

    Scum sucking haters. Those fenders look awesome. The rear bumper portion certainly looks like it needs help, but, everything else looks great.

    The tech is cool and all, but, I have a hard time getting excited about hyper cars these days.

    Lies and Slander! They are not my Top Gear Hosts! My Top Gear Host is the guy from Motor Week. What’s his face!

    If I’m buying stupid shit, I’m going to start with a collection of 3 axle trucks. At least one from every manufacturer.