I’d be happy to wrap one around a tree for you.
Fuck you. I’m not getting the vaccine. If you get sick because of me, I don’t care.
Uh, this is perfectly normal. Have your shitboxes never allowed you to get on the highway?
No. Just no.
The problem is that nobody is willing to tell Elon “No”. Sort of reminds me of another nutter billionaire.
Neutral: Are You a Pickup Buyer?
Road trains are more an Aussie thing. However, through much off the midwest, Triples are legal and often used by FedEx and UPS on highways. There’s usually a small lot to break them down just off the highway as they’re not allowed in towns.
Still too much money. I know KIA has come a long way since the 90's, but, I’ll never not see a KIA as anything more than a throwaway appliance. Maybe I’ll consider an off lease car under $17K. Not until then, though.
Mine would be pure white, no murals or windows. Stealth camper van is what I want.
I’d still buy one if they were sold here.
I LOVED the power seats in my 09 Sierra. Best place I’ve ever placed my ass, hands down. I wish all my furniture felt like those seats. Great for road trips.
Those seats are glorious.
Why not? You can get them for Jeeps.
The Miata has one good feature and you want to get rid of it?
Looks like a KIA front end with a MB rear end and a generic middle. Not huge fan of the looks, but, I’d buy one because of it being a 2 seat roadster that’s bigger than a Miata.
That is a vomit inducing color combo on any car.
Bugatti is the one brand that can produce a car with super impressive numbers and still be less interesting than a 40 year old Camaro.
Grayscale beats Orange any day of the week.
I still hate manuals. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Mazda, Chevy, or a big class 8 truck, I still hate manuals.