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    I love weird trucklettes and I want to see this one crash into a bug so both end up in the scrap heap.

    All the more reason to bring back the rumble seat.

    It’ll get me home.

    Park in the same spot all the time. I’ve forgotten which vehicle I’ve driven, but, whatever is in “my spot” always gets me home.

    Their trucks are complete shit. Compare them spec for spec and they are dead last. Lowest towing. Lowest payload. Lowest fuel economy. Lowest quality.

    Fuck Fobs. Fuck smart phone linked key apps. Just give me a plain old key. No batteries needed. While we are at it, fuck keyless entry, too.

    I’d rather work PR for Weinstein than watch anything that could put Torch on my TV or Computer screen.

    Say no to glass roofs. Yes to parking in my garage.

    I don’t connect with them. I don’t get immersed in them. I’ll see posts like “I raced that car in Forza!” and think, “BFD. It’s not like it’s the real thing.” Driving my base model pickup in heavy traffic is more entertaining. At least I get to experience the actual physics involved in it.

    I wish I could get into racing video games. They’re just bleh.

    I would love to buy a new bike, but, I would not buy a new Harley under any circumstances. I’ve always ridden standards/cruisers and I’m tired of them. I’d rather buy a sport bike next time. I’ve never been interested in Honda cars, but, I’ll take any of their bikes over a similar Harley any day of the week.

    The best VW is a dead VW.

    Yeah, this is a game I don’t play. When the guages stopped working in my Fuckus because Sync crashed, I knew the tank would last me all week, but, I stopped more frequently until it was fixed. On road trips, I fill up at the half tank mark. I play a LOT of stupid games. This isn’t one of them.

    It’s a 15 year old Chevy in New England. Rust was a factor.

    As long as it looks completely different from the current crop of McLarens. They are approaching Audi levels of bland.

    I get it on PS Vue. Looking at the programming, I won’t waste my time until Torch and Orlove get caught in a car shredder.

    Patriotism is disease. Only common sense will cure it.

    Manuals suck. I like my truck and intentionally bought a manual, but, manuals suck. The manual in my Mazda6 sucked. The manual in my classic GTO sucked. Every manual I have ever used, aside from a motorcycle, sucked. I’m not on a race track. I’m trying to get to work. Fuck manuals. I look forward to their death.

    If you add up the costs of an abortion and a vasectomy, you can save a ton of money by keeping your existing ride. Hell, you could even take a vacation and come out ahead.

    I won’t even take a regular taxi.