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    My favorite car that I don’t want to drive. It may be awful in every since of the word, but, it’s perfect in my mind. I prefer the 80's kitted up version over the striped down 70's model. I prefer the cartoonish look.

    Literally anything is better than slow car fast. Walking is better. Standing still is better.

    I’d actually consider buying a Hyundai. I’d never waste a dime on anything Kanye has done. Never heard his music and don’t want to hear it. Just knowing who he is makes me want him dead.

    At least you have the USB option. My Colorado will only sync bluetooth for calls. Since ti is the base radio, there is no aux jack. No USB. Nothing. I have to use a FM transmitter.

    Which Mazda was is based on?

    I’ve had enough problems with automatic updates on my computer that I no longer allow that to happen. You’re off your rocker if you think I’m going to be comfortable with automatic updates happening to my car. I want the ability to pick and choose which updates get installed and the freedom to remove the updates that

    Playing with semantics here. I don’t like that the car can be remote controlled, in any way, after it is purchased. I don’t like over the air updates. I don’t like that any aspect of the configuration can be changed on the whim of the manufacturer, without my consent. I don’t like Big Brother.

    I would rather have all the features unlocked at the time of purchase.

    So today they unlock the car for a given reason. Who is to say that they won’t nerf the car next week for some random reason?

    I don’t have a problem with the cars being electronically limited. I have a problem with features being unlocked or locked down when the manufacturer decides it is worthy. Knowing they can do this would influence my decision to buy one or not. Tesla is quickly falling off my desired vehicle list.

    Hey, if it’s the right truck for you, then buy it. It’s not the right truck for me. I don’t see the appeal. There’s no good off roading areas where I live and if there were, I’d take a dirt bike instead.

    Hey.. hey hey.. It’s a 4WD speed bump scraper. At least I wish it was a speed bump scraper. Damn thing is too tall at stock height.

    Hennessey probably has that name locked up with the Velociraptor.

    Even as a life long truck guy, the Raptor never appealed to me. I haul shit in the bed of my truck, I never take it off road. Ground Clearance is not required for my use. I’ll take a 2WD street truck over a Raptor any day of the week.

    God that’s ugly. Square up the back end. Sloped roofs on wagons are just a stupid design. Maximize the cargo with a squared back end.

    Two weeks a go, I went to the March of Dimes Dream Ride. There were two rows of McLarens grouped together. Where there was a time that seeing that many McLarens in one spot would have excited me, it felt like I was looking at a row of Camrys at the dealership. I’ve seen so many lately that they lost their appeal.

    I already run an average of 3 seconds slower than everyone else on the track. Adding more weight is not the answer to picking up those three seconds. Well, not unless that extra weight comes with boost.

    Oh god no. These are some of the ugliest machines I’ve ever laid eyes on. There were 5 in a row at Lime Rock for the last IMSA race. Striking colors. Hideous cars.

    As an adult that pays my taxes and has all the other responsibilities that come with adulthood, if I don’t want to wear a helmet, it should be my choice. I understand the risks. I accept them. I wouldn’t be on a bike if I didn’t accept those risks. I don’t want to walk away from a bike wreck. I’d much rather be killed.

    Looking at the pics before reading, I thought the Red M3 was on a lift at first. Damn.