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    Good gawd that is a hideous shade of blue. I’ll stick with gray scale for my cars for the time being.

    Take all my dollars. I like it.

    If I had the funds for a car like this, I wouldn’t even consider a coupe. It would have to be a drop top. This works for me.

    To me, these GT’s look like the thought process behind the design was “Let’s build a hatchback without any of the benefits of a hatchback!”

    Now we know what caused Professor X to kill all the mutants.

    Made my first dump runs with the new truck.

    Completely disagree. The Gallardo and Merci are the two ugliest Lambo’s made. A couple of embarrassing missteps between the Diablo and Huracan.

    So many questions. No idea where to begin.

    As much as I want to love Tesla, it seems every vehicle has at least one design element that would prevent me from buying one. The S was almost perfect until the glass roof became standard. The 3, between the glass roof and trunk opening, has a couple of deal breakers. The X would be ruled out because of those stupid

    The biggest jump I’ll make is off the curb and onto the street when I’m working in the yard.

    I’ll be putting Methods on my truck as soon as I can afford them. Best looking wheel on the aftermarket right now.

    One of the vehicles I inherited when my dad died was a 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix. I didn’t give the car much thought. It was paid for and it was better on fuel economy than my truck. I ended up putting 90,000 miles on it before I started having transmission issues.

    I liked it until I saw the view out of the back.

    I hate the FRC with a passion.

    Moved out to Oklahoma for a year in search of work. The house we rented had an awesome three car garage that was attached. That, alone, sold me on the house. The killer bathroom with the two person hot tub and two person shower was just a bonus in my opinion.

    Could Raph and Torch pass a DOT drug test if they had to take it right now?

    I couldn’t get into the car with the top up. I could not contort myself properly to make it happen. The joys of being tall and fat.

    So, the Camaro isn’t fat, it’s just pregnant?

    I own a Ford Focus with a Powershit Transmission and Sync.

    Why? Looking at what is included, it looks like a whole lot of fun if you can afford it.