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    I never use my center mirror. Don’t even see the point when I have perfect rear visibility with my wing mirrors.

    My ex used to brag about doing engine swaps and spinning her own wrenches. I still managed to get her looking for “winter air” for her tires. If that contributes to my total asshole score, it’s well worth it.

    Torch’s car looks like it has just been violated.

    It’s nice enough. I would want an option to delete the third row, though. I care more about moving stuff than I do people.

    Don’t the base model Transits have them, too?

    Driving a flatbed wrecker when my axle seized up. I knew it was going to happen because the rear end had been smoking something terrible, but, my boss told me I had to take the call. I was in a dead zone for both CB and cell coverage. Pretty hard to get help when you are the help. Eh, the walk did me good.

    That Aston may be one of the best looking cars I’ve seen in a long time. The only thing I’d change is the wheels.

    Well, you should feel special. Everybody is reacting like I’ve attacked the news anchor. I didn’t. I just said she wasn’t brave for maintaining composure.


    WTF? There was nothing brave about that. Do you even know the meaning of the word? Sure, kudos to the reporter for keeping it together, but, don’t go calling her brave. It’s not like she was in any danger.

    It looks great, but, I still don’t care about a car that can’t turn.

    This may be the first time I have agreed with you. No clue who Frank is, though.

    I. Love. Those. Vans.

    Nope. Doesn’t cross my mind. The only photos I take are of my dog. I’m not big on picture taking.

    I’ve consumed much pizza. I am not a ninja. I lack a Splinter.

    Man, they still look great. One of the few SUVs I still want.

    I love the Transformers movies for what they are, but, I’m not willing to watch 14 more of them. What do they think they are? The Land Before Time?

    I could get by with a 500, most of the time. However, the few times a year that I need something bigger tells me that I could not live with something that small unless I had another vehicle as a backup. I sold my pickup last year and replaced it with a Focus. Besides the sentimental attachment I had to the truck, I

    Simply being a Buick means it’ll be overlooked. It certainly wouldn’t cross my mind. As far as I am concerned, the brand only remains because it means something to the Chinese. Good lookin’ car, though.

    I wish those deals were available around me.