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    I had to vote crackpipe because I remember the wrenches at the local Lotus dealer griping about these things. The cars spent more time in service than on the roads.

    Let me sum it up for you. Volkwagens are loved by the biggest group of morons in Automobilia. That’s why this turd-burger is so expensive.

    Not watching it. I’m uninterested in the brand.

    Don’t like it? Don’t watch.

    Completely. As far as I am concerned, you are not drinking responsibly unless you are doing it in your own home. Fuck alcohol.

    My votes go to the diesel super duties that need the cab removed so that you can access the heads and the Northstar V8's with the starter hidden under the intake.

    It’s not strict enough. Shut the bars down. Stop serving booze in public. Keep that toxic shit at home.

    Yeah! Take the one selling point that a Miata has and get rid of it!

    VW is about as uninteresting as the skin tags on my back.

    2015 Mazda 6. Boring ass, fat ass, slow ass, sedan. Oh! It has a 6 speed! I don’t give a shit. It’s a soul sucking shit can that hasn’t caused any problems beyond the fact that I am still paying for it. I’d rather drive my 13 Focus SE with the shitamatic. Fuck that car and fuck the hosebag that picked it out. Its only

    Huge improvement over the stock Corvette. Still ugly at the same time. C7's are hideous in all forms.

    Never understood the hate TG:USA got. Sure, it wasn’t great. It wasn’t even worth tuning into on a regular basis. Damn sure wasn’t worth the DVR space, either. Still it was better than the trash known as TG:UK.

    I’d pick the rubbery ducky over the dino any day. After all, rubbery ducky makes bath time lots more fun.

    Cavalier - Maroon and later bright red.

    If I fit, I’ll consider it. I really want a convertible, but, my current financial situation doesn’t allow for two cars and the 18+” of snow on the ground, with more to come, isn’t great news for a soft top.

    I drive that road regularly and see nothing wrong with what he did.

    65ish Mustang Coupe with a screwed up steering rack. Not sure what was going on with it, but, it was something like 10 turns lock to lock with power steering. Eh, it was in the shop getting worked on at the time.

    Don’t even pretend those cars sound good running the way they do. It’s like working in a large factory. The roar of those engines turns into a monotone drone. Maybe they can put speakers in the seats and pump that noise into you.

    If I could get a loan, I’d consider it. I can’t. So I won’t.