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    I see the same thing in this video that I saw in the video where the car drove into the front of a semi trailer while using either the auto park or summons feature. . Aren’t the forward censors in the back of the center mirror? The barrier was too low for the censors to pick up. Complete driver fault.

    It’s not a 3000GT so I don’t care.

    No, it’s not.

    You know how some people get bent out of shape over people who don’t park perfectly centered? I get that level of pissed off when I see people doing this at the fuel station.

    The 80's Countach is the best Lambo ever made. I grew up with that version, so it’s natural that it would be my favorite.The 70's version looks incomplete.

    No drop top? No interest.

    Had a similar problem with my 92 Lumina. I replaced the axles. I replaced my wheel bearings. Still couldn’t find the source. Brought it to multiple mechanics, they couldn’t hear it. The only other person I could get to hear it was my dad. Eventually, I gave up and replaced the car.

    Never been on a plane that showed movies. Usually brought my own to watch on my iPad and I tried to avoid anything with nudity, just in case. When I traveled by bus, they would show R rated movies, but, they were the Safe-for-Network-TV cuts. I would have thought airlines did the same.

    Nothing makes me happier than seeing a wrecked Corvette.


    Is it made of aluminum or steel? Needs to be aluminum to hold my interests.

    Enzo = F60

    Gawker died, remember? We’re on Telemundo now.


    Even if it were a real person, hardly worth breaking the window if you think she’s dead.

    And that’s largely what I use because I despise radio.

    Don’t even give me that. I don’t want weather. I don’t want news. I don’t want traffic. Hell, I don’t want to get out of bed. Shut up and play music. If another 9/11 happens, shut up and play music. Asteroid about to crash into the bridge right in front of me? Shut up and play music. Don’t even tell me who was just

    One of the few things I hate about living in the Northeast is that I have no place to play off road since I don’t have property of my own that is suited for it. The only place in my state that allows off roading limits us to bikes.

    Looks better than the Tesla version, too.

    Christmas decorations on cars are as bad of an idea as clothes on pets. They’d bite you if they could get away with it.