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    The C7 should be remembered as the ugliest thing GM’s made since the Aztec. It looks like a Chinese knockoff. If it weren’t called a Corvette, everyone else would see it is hideous. Its only saving grace is that it’s fast. Being that ugly, it has it be fast.

    His role as Venus Van Damme will always be his most memorable.

    BFD. It would be put into an otterbox, either way.

    Meh. No more fat ass sedans for me.

    Looks like a Mazda 6. That’s never good. Don’t care. It’s not a car I’d be interested in, anyway. I’ve grown to appreciate wagons, just don’t want one of these.

    Still not going to waste my money on this stuff.

    Stories like this pleases me. Wrecks can’t happen when the car is never driven.

    Is there a car that loses its value faster than a Maserati? CP all day long.

    But... I don’t want one. Too many doors and it’s ugly, which is new for Audi since they usually just look boring.

    I must have it!

    My step dad had one that was mounted to his dash in his Explorer.

    Maybe the Rams and Dodges just aren’t worth the repairs?

    I was referencing Ram’s tendencies to rot out faster than any other brand on the market.

    GM has always done this. Why not RAM?

    Glass packs sound like absolute shit.

    At $900, there should be no hesitation. I’ll take it.

    If i’m going back to the 80's, my answers are trucks. K5, K10, & Suburban.

    I grew up in a Subaru hatchback (next size up from the Rusty, er, Justy). When I had to ride in the rear seat, I would fold the seat down and sit on top of the back rest with no seatbelt. It was the only way I’d fit.

    On what planet is a C4 Cactus even remotely attractive? It reminds me of an Isuzu Axiom that got beat with an Uglier Stick.

    EH. It happens regularly enough at the car wash near me. They must stock extra vacuums (those always get crushed) because they’re never down for long.