This. For sure
This. For sure
I can’t think of a worse color.
The battery life is total doo doo. Just throwing that out there.
Have you used or own a switch? Seems not. Bad take.
I learned a lot from this.
You’re no fun.
associating this with demeaning cerebral palsy is quite a reach.
Can’t tell if serious. No, can’t be...
I think his comment was a bit tongue in cheek...
Uhhh Ken rules, ok?
I’m pretty sure he knows that. (it’s a joke FYI)
Lol exactly.
Why the hell does that ESPN reporter text like a middle schooler? Really grinds my gears...
Perfect kinja.
That chant seemed awfully rehearsed/canned..
What a sad, sad loser you have to be to get so bent out of shape over a steamer playing a game. People are amazing...
Hahaha hahaha! Good one, bro!