I didn’t give much thought to my sister’s mental health issues aside from avoiding her. But then I had a kid, and I couldn’t stand risking his safety.
I didn’t give much thought to my sister’s mental health issues aside from avoiding her. But then I had a kid, and I couldn’t stand risking his safety.
My little brother had to be leashed. No matter how tightly you held his hand or watched him he’d wiggle loose and BOOK IT. They almost had to shut down a SEARS once bc they couldn’t find him. Little shit was hiding in a clothing rack giggling. Mom said if she didn’t leash him one of them was gonna die. Either him…
I was also with you up until leashes. I’ve never felt any need for one with my 2 year old. But I’m pregnant with twins and will have 3 under 3. The lady from my twin class says, for many twin parents, you adjust really quickly to the need for them.
If you’re drunk and faceblind, sure, I guess.
First of all, how dare you?!
Wait... people who use strollers are weirdos?
No matter what you do or how weird you are chances are you don’t fall far from the center of the bell curve. It’s a big wide world. In some places in Africa ladies breast feed goats during droughts (thanks radio lab). The point is you shouldn’t obsess. There’s always something weirder than you.
As a mom who breastfed my first kiddo (until she started biting HARD at 11 months) and is currently 6 months into breastfeeding my second, I try very VERY hard not to judge these moms. Emphasis on try. However, once you’re into the 3 and 4 year old territory, I kind of wonder if this isn’t an extension of the whole…
If it’s “the booze,” he should try not drinking the booze.
Exactly this. Alcohol makes someone think their dumb stories are hilarious and witty, it doesn’t suddenly make someone’s brain go “yep, it’s okay to grab this stranger’s ass”.
I’ve been following this via James Fell, who is one of my favorites. Aragon has been dropping every single excuse in this books. His ‘apologies’ have turned into non-apologies. Everything is blamed on alcohol. The more I hear and read about this whole series of events, and the more I see how much backup he was getting …
‘What if she’s lying, bro?’
John, I know you think you’re very edgy, but you’re just extremely boring.
Thank you kindly sir!
Dark Sky is the best weather app.
Made this point above, but I think the point is we’re right to be skeptical about whether Lily is truly telling her own personal story or if she’s saying the kind of thing that will keep fans from vilifying her. Is it true, or is it calculated to minimize damage to her career? Because I suspect lots of non-woke people…
Smeone else said upthread that no one would look down on a person for saying they visited a therapist during a "dark time" and that sexual therapy is still therapy. I thought that was a well-put good take.
I don’t understand this mindset at all. He’s cheating? He’s a big jerk? Divorce him and take him for all he’s worth! Aside from the immorality of murder, why would you risk being jailed or executed? Okay, you hate him - you can hate him safely from afar and enjoy gouging him for all the alimony you can get. People are…
I first heard about that being possible on a CSI episode where a server did it to make a gambler too sick to stay and play. I wonder if it was being done before that and the show ripped it from the headlines or if they started that trend by informing the public at large that this could be done.
An urban legend suggests that tetryzoline can cause violent diarrhea if given orally, such as by putting a few drops of Visine in an unsuspecting person’s beverage. However, the actual results of the prank may be worse, varying from severe nausea and vomiting to seizures or a coma. Diarrhea is not a side effect.[7]