
I agree that a lot of this pink feminism marketing stuff is hollow bs, done mainly to get women to buy crap. However, all this hating on things simply because they are pink or feminine-looking looks an awful lot like internalized misogyny.

Oh, man, this is SO MUCH like the inspirational quotes teachers have all over their walls. Teachers: lots of us are basic bitches!

Basic Bitch Home Decorating Tips 101. Pinterest is awash in this shit. “Live laugh love” is just the most ubiquitous but the whole Inspirational Quote industry is out of control. 

part speakeasy, part speak out...”

When we were househunting a couple years ago literally every house had a Live Laugh Love somewhere in it. Wall vinyl or fancy frames or throw pillows or something. We had to razor it off the house we bought. Is this some kind of Realtor staging tactic? Can’t be true for every single house....

The Masculism ball pit is WAY worse

Maybe if women stopped buying shit that’s pink and marketed specifically to us, it would no longer exist?

I got a Manchurian Candidate vibe from one of those scenes. All those anonymous faces in a vague circle around the central character.... Is the movie about brainwashing?

Watch it again. There are a few seconds where I thought, “Is Jonah Hill kinda hot now?”

I’m thinking a dash of Eternal Sunshine, too. 

Emma Stone as an elf is my aesthetic.

Hey, look ... it’s Tomato Face’s new burner account.

Jules and Seth are back together!

10 out of 10 will watch. I couldn’t help but sense a little Westworld parody? Also, someone help, it sounded a LITTLE like m83's My Tears Are Becoming a Sea? Could just be wishful thinking. Every trailer should have that song.

When the men in the community are incarcerated and no longer working, the women in the community are largely responsible for the generation of communal dollars.

thank you, you’ve gotten to the real point here.

initially i thought he was better than his children because they were the initial ones yapping to the press. but as time has gone by, he has proven that HE is the reason they are the way they are. like father, like brats.

At this point, I feel like I don’t need to hear anything other than that quote to know that, in fact, she became who she is IN SPITE of, not because of him. Anyone who says something that extreme and self-centered is pretty much guaranteed to be an abuser/toxic. Ugh. 

“Meghan thinks she’s better than us”