
Yeah, those aren’t Osage. Congratulations on accidentally proving the entire point behind this change.

Yes, I can see that those not-Osage men that you probably found via the Google image search “Indian loincloth” are making harsh sounds. Also, your efforts kinda make the point about stereotyping of broad ethnic group. 

Dehumanization of non-whites is one of our current social norms. Seems these books hold up pretty well.

I am shocked her 130 year old books don’t stand up to current social norms. Shocked!

I’m assuming you work in a public library, but it’s funny to think of someone picking on public library patrons arbitrarily.

Things like this jacket, Ivanka’s Mothers Day post, etc are all just obvious distractions so they can create policy havoc in the meantime.

They are trolling. Multiple visits to Mexican restaurants, the jacket. Not accidents.

Michelle Obama would never wear something this tacky.

I think that’s unfair to Marie Antoinette.

Well, Michelle Obama can read. This one? Maybe not...

It’s like what’s-her-face deciding it was a good idea to go out for Mexican food the other night. They have to be trolling, I refuse to believe they are that dumb. Evil, yes, but not dumb. 

Melania’s outdone Marie Antoinette

From last season no less.  Peasant. 

Especially considering this is the woman who wore Louboutin stilettos on the trip to Houston after the hurricane last fall.  

I bet you can count any of her belongings that cost less than three figures on one hand.

Exactly.  It could not have been more intentional. 

God, the absolute disdain these fuckers have for anyone they see less than them is disgusting. That’s why there’s no point of appealing to their sense of empathy, they have none. They are completely morally bankrupt. 

And as someone on Twitter mentioned: it’s a $39 jacket. What are the odds that Melania owns a $39 jacket?

Much like the pussybow she wore back when Code 45 was running for president

Melania is a garbage person. She is a “model” and knows something about clothing choices. This was a purposeful decision made by a racist birther that will make her racist birther husband happy/less enraged. This administration is so “fuck you” to everyone, and loves picking on people who can’t fight back. I CAN’T