
I don’t think the upside in baseball is great, excluding the case where he gets a mega-deal and then get hits by a bus. Let’s assume he’s a shining star in baseball, and a cromulent starter in football. He’s 21, spends a quick 2 years in the minors, and then gets called up. There’s 6 years of team control, so he

I find it interesting that Ferrari’s boss seems to feel that the company can develop better EV systems than anybody currently making them.

“People are stupid! Or, more precisely, everyone acts irrationally.”

He’s a QB, though. Both sports are predicated on his being really good in order to stay in the league. If he’s really good at being a QB he will be playing into his 30s. If you look around the league just about half the teams are starting a QB who is 30+. If he’s the real deal he’s got a 10 year career in the NFL, no

I understand why Uber is “worth” more than Ford, because it’s a stack of chips in a casino, but I don’t understand the long-term business model of this company which has never made a profit. (Not, of course, that any of the casino clientele care about “long-term” at all or even act like they know what the phrase

Lol very true.  Kevin gonna make sure Kevin gets his.  

Yeah, I’m gonna need a discounted cash flow analysis of how much money drivers think they can rob from their passengers over the next 3-5 years, offset by the cost of sexual assault settlements. Only then can we really assess this.

$82 billion is an outrageous valuation for a company with nothing more than some patents and intellectual property, either of which can have their value impaired rapidly by a few legal rulings against their holders.

O’Leary would lend them $50k at 17% interest until he recoups $500k, and also demand a $2 royalty for every ride in perpetuity.

Only as long as your Rideshare Block-Chain is “Disruptive”.

Yes, yes we are:

Truly sad what the world is becoming.  There are alot of things out there that make you scratch your head and you try to approach it logically.. but as you mentioned, sometimes logic doesn’t stand a chance against stupidity.

We are, collectively, stupid as sh!t.

Sorry, my money is tied up launching Doctr, where instead of going to a licensed medical professional a guy just comes and does whatever he read about on WebMD to cure your ailments. I’ll um...blockchain it too, I guess.

The possibility of taking a 98 mph zinger to the top of the head isn’t exactly a pleasant thought, either.

Rideshare Blockchain is gonna be next.

$4.7 million less taxes isn’t going to be that much luxury over a lifetime these days. You could squeeze out a passable middle-class lifestyle, I think, but nothing like what you’d be able to do with almost 10 times that much money.

They already do, it’s called F1. Formula E would be a step back compared to what they’re doing in F1.

One could also make the argument given his piss poor to mediocre college baseball stats that he made the right choice by picking the sport that requires a less refined skill set. Just like Russell Wilson and his .229 minor league average at Single A made the right choice years ago, as well.

He convinced a 19-year-old Jessica Alba to marry him. He must have Bill Clinton-level pheromones or mind control or something.