
Yuuup. Now I’m not saying the Democratic field needed to be as much of a circus as the GOP’s, but three candidates? With one technically an Independent? Really? Thanks to those email leaks we know for sure that the DNC was in the bag for Hillary, but they didn’t even try to make it not look that way.

Democrats are pointing to exit poll results saying Clinton was more likely to be his voters’ second choice. Thing is, voters are supposed to vote for their first choice.

A whole hell of a lot of women violently hate other women. And they don’t care when other women are sexually assaulted,if they don’t actively route for it, because they know sexual assault only happens to bad women who deserve it, so they’re safe AND dirty whores get what’s coming to them. It’s a win-win.

So the Clinton campaign was garbage even in the primaries is what you’re saying?

Ironically, Dems plowed ahead with Hillary Clinton with the same tunnel-vision aplomb as Vince does with Roman Reigns, damn the polarizing reaction.

Stop. Just stop this now. I supported Hillary in the primaries and the general, and she lost. Blaming Bernie - or attacking him now to make yourself feel better - is nonsensical and pointless.

She’s not out of touch. Didn’t you see Katy Perry and Jay-Z?

HRC LITERALLY just lost to a thrice bankrupted reality TV star

When the net result is “prevents Donald Trump from becoming President” then I’m going to have to choose that door.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is that you again?

Jezebel spent a lot of time telling people, especially Bernie bros, to fuck off. They did fuck off, and this is the end result.

“Dude literally wrote that cancer is caused by orgasm deficiencies.”

Third parties were a pain but they were a mosquito bites worth of a nuisance compared to the real issues.

Blame nearly every single person with any power in the Democratic Party [...].

But this diatribe was totally worth his time.

Nah, the Dems and the DNC took the AA and Hispanic vote for granted. She didn’t even visit Wisconsin once during the campaign. These are the people that she needed to turn out to win. They were begging for a reason not to vote for Trump and she never even showed up to give them one. They have no one to blame but


Honestly, this makes me wish Romney had won.

Also, fuck Tom Brady and Bill Belichick.

Weren’t you too busy to vote yesterday?