
The problem is that underneath his attack platform, the biggest message he had was that he would help out the rust belt with the jobs that have just flat vanished. Yes, he spent an inordinate amount of time being a massive bigoted buffoon, but underneath it, he had a campaign based on legitimately trying to help out

Minimum wage jobs? Time to abolish the minimum wage, something even the New York Times had called for.

Do you seriously not realize that cars are not going to last forever?

Uh, cars aren’t exactly a long term purchase.

Lol. That’s cute. You think an employer is going to do anything to help the union? They will pay everyone the same wage, union or not, until the union dies.

Doubtful, the Republicans now have control of the House, Senate and Presidency. In theory Reps and Senators are beholden to their constituents but in reality they walk the party line for the most part.

Except you have the free rider problem. If you can get union benefits without paying dues, why would you pay. Sure if enough people stop paying you cease to get those benefits, but those sorts of collective action scenarios are extremely hard to manage.

Do Rust Belt voters realize how close the Supreme Court was to ending unions? If Scalia hadn’t died, it was very likely that automatic collection of dues would have been outlawed. That issue will almost certainly come back, just in time for manufacturers to bring back jobs to the U.S.

I mean Trump is clearly the best business man and only has the best brands so he’ll start Trump cars. Its the only option.

Are you telling me the voters in San Diego are more intelligent than the voters in Arlington?

This is a shocking revelation

Thanks, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

Giant Meteor 2017

This is what happens when you try to reach across the aisle and reason with people who—in the words of Spider Jerusalem—want to fuck you with switchblades.

How the democrats blew this:

I hope Democratic leaders wake up tomorrow and realize their precious sand castle got kicked down, and maybe things need to change. Their arrogant, centrist bullshit just helped put an inept Cheeto in the white house, and not even American political royalty could stop him.

Well Cleveland won a championship and the Cubs won the world series, we should have seen that for what it was, a sign that the end times are near. In the next 4 years, the Maple Leafs will win the Stanley Cup, England will win the world cup and then the world will burn in World War III....

My brother in law celebrated tonight that Trump won and he can right the wrongs of the past 8 years. “Obama Care goes first!”, he grinned. Then I reminded him that his 23 year old daughter with arthritis and a heart condition will no longer be covered by his insurance (a cornerstone of Obama Care). “That’s not fair!”,

Six months from now, you won’t be able to fill a Cracker Barrel with the number of people who will admit to voting for Trump.

Just goes to show you all how shitty of a Democratic nominee you had. Any other Democratic nominee in history wins this election by a landslide.

We just elected a fucking guy that was considered a huge joke in the reality TV world as the most powerful man in the world.