
It’s probably his anti-Muslim stance.

I think you are seriously underestimating the damage Trump can do, particularly with a Republican House and Senate.

Only if they’re a Democrat. It’s written in the Bible. Ask any Republican.

Probably shouldn’t let white women off the hook, they elected him too.

But mostly, fuck you and fuck your fucking misogyny.

This had ZERO to do with her being a female. It had everything to do with the lengthy list of scandals, her double dealing with the DNC and the press, and the fact that people were ANGRY. I hope she pulls it out and then I hope like hell she and the other idiots wake the F up and try to get their heads out of their

Holy shit, I mean do you really believe that a group of people should be placed into a bucket and demonized? Is that not EXACTLY why we hate the man that this country seems so ready to elect? Yeah. I’m a white guy. But frankly, I’m shedding tears here just like the rest of the enlightened folks in the country who

It’s the democrats fault. This is the equivalent of an election when you’re down by one point, steal the ball, run down court and perform a layup to win.

Saying Clinton has bad “political instincts” makes you sound stupid.

I can’t deal with this shit.

Fuck you Haisley, fuck you Burneko, and most of all fuck you Marchman. All of your bullshit highfalutin reasons for not voting are shit. There’s more at stake in any given election than your precious solipsistic fucking morals. Seriously go to hell

Agreed. I could be wrong. It could also be, however, that a lot of bigoted white women are voting for Trump as well. And the rest of us are split into a number of camps, or didn’t vote because “my vote doesn’t matter” or something.

White women are also coming in for Trump in numbers which were unimaginable 24 hours ago. Might as well just blame WHITE PEOPLE, smfh.

The latter. Even if Clinton ends up pulling this out somehow, just knowing how many people put their vote behind Trump is literally making me cry.

She blew it.

Dow Futures are down 700pts so there’s that too.

Holy shit...we are fucked. Our country is going to be lead by king oompa loompa.

Welcome to what Brexit felt like. It doesn’t get better.

Well, 240 years is a good run.

America is going to have an Eastern European prostitute for an first lady.