
What car manufacturer specs the first oil change at 1,000 miles? Most every brand I’ve ever owned has simply spec’ed the oil be changed at the regular service intervals (most commonly 7,500-10,000 miles these days).

Most mechanics will tell you that “warming up” an engine (in park) is not good for it (it is also a huge waste of gas!). Start it up, let it run for a few seconds to let the oil flow through the engine, then take off. If you’re wanting heat, it will get warm faster while driving than just sitting in your driveway.

Perhaps someone else mentioned it, but Tesla recommends:

“If the high voltage battery becomes involved in fire or is bent, twisted, damaged, or breached in any way, or if you suspect that the battery is heating, use large amounts of water to cool the battery. DO NOT extinguish fire with a small amount of water. Always

Uh, did you see the size of that fire? It would have taken many dozen dry chem extinguishers to put that out and would have required getting so close as to be completely unsafe.

This. I have seen cars after they hit trees, and generally speaking, they don’t catch fire because they are centralized deep within the body. Consider that more people die on impact than cars bursting into flame.

Maybe the response team didn’t have a GIANT dry extinguisher capable of supressing an uncontrolled thermal runaway reaction on the scale of a Tesla S pack?

So they did the best the could with the resources available?

Rather than just throwing their hands in the air.

(Edited to add the official language from the Model S firefighting manual)

I wish I could find that copy of the EMS procedure that Fisker had published and had on their website for proper technique for putting out a fire on a Karma. For those questioning the “copious amounts of water” technique on a electric car, that

You almost had it. The joke here is to call it a Model S7.


Looks like Samsung & Telsa utilize the same supplier...

Elon: “If they were using Autopilot they would still be alive”

Water is still recommended if there are no other options available at the time to contain the fire, and to prevent further thermal runaway.

Most don’t catch on fire.

But...you are killing people?

This doesn’t make sense? I was under the impression that it was impossible to crash a Tesla - but that if you did it was impossible to be injured - but that if you were, it was impossible for the car to catch on fire - but that if it did, it was impossible for that fire to effect the batteries?

I can’t believe this is the shit we argue about in 2016 and that Donald Trump could be our president next week. What the hell happened?

“This document attempts to pit us against one another, as if the judgment of a few men is sufficient to determine our worth.”

so let me get this straight, you’ll publish the duke “fuck list” which completely humiliated and degraded male athletes, but when you have access to the harvard “sexual scouting report” all of a sudden it’s time to protect the innocent. can you explain that? oh, you can’t? oh, gawker was sued into bankruptcy. ohhhhh,

Wow, pedantic much?

No. Speed is a function of engine and gearing. Cruise control will vary the throttle to account for inclines and declines, so you’ll hear variations with engine effort. But maintaining the same speed, in the same (high) gear, means the same engine RPM.