You have to admit, when even something as ordinary as an Altima looks sumptuous in comparison...
You have to admit, when even something as ordinary as an Altima looks sumptuous in comparison...
The Lagonda is still gorgeous. The Model 3 is already tacky and old, and it hasn’t even been released yet.
Engineer: [Takes a swig out of flask. Wonders why he left GE.]
Oh please. Tesla was no chemist. Anyways, had he never lived we would have had all his inventions anyways, maybe a few years later if anything.
Back in 1998 when I read a whitepaper on Lithium Ion batteries and how they would make laptop sales soar, I recall seeing a prediction that they would set the rechargeable battery standard for a generation. They were so correct. Thee are kids entering college next week who have only known very good rechargeable…
The Goths staged a second invasion in the 90s.
Rome, OK. But what did Columbine ever do to them?
Half-bluffing is for amateurs. Every poker pro knows one-third-bluffing is where it’s at. Mix in some one-fourth- and you’re playing at the big boys’ table.
Nitty correction in terminology: most poker books will refer to it as a semi-bluff.
Criticizing Real Americans™ is treasonous. Criticizing liberals and black people is just telling it like it is.
You think that’s bad? I keep hearing about some rich guy saying America’s full of losers, worse than the worst war zones, that we’re run by crooked liars, that Russia’s great, etc. Really traitorous stuff. Of course the guy’s American, going after his own kind. Sad!
I was in a situation last year where I was in the left lane passing traffic at probably 15 over the limit (which is pretty normal for the area, to be honest). The majority of the 2 left lanes of this 4 lane highway were going at least 5-15mph over the limit. I came up on a car in the far left lane going the speed…
No, the truck with the ladders is at fault (for seeing the car coming up quickly and taking his sweet assholish time matching the semi truck’s speed instead of using the passing lane to pass), not the semi. Yes the Camaro driver was impatient and drunk and he should have waited his turn or hung back until the truck…
1. In this situation, you generally do not need to move over. You’re not in the “passing” lane. There is one situation where I think you should , but this is opinion: the lane to your right is at roughly the same speed as you AND you’re blocking a lot of people in your current lane who want to go faster.
2. HOV should…
Because most speed limits are an ancient relic from a time when cars couldn’t deal with higher speeds? The posted limit on the 405 in my area is 55. Unless it is at a standstill it runs 80 in the left lane. At least. At 55 you are the definition of a hazard and an a-hole. Just move one or two lanes to the right then…
Your ass is beautiful to me when you drive the speed limit on the left lane and there are no one to your right.
Thats not how it works or should.