As a Wisconsinite (at least spiritually if no longer geographically), I’m in favor of making our State Gun the same one that we’ve used to pound Illinoisans and Minnesotans for generations: the right arm of a competent quarterback.
As a Wisconsinite (at least spiritually if no longer geographically), I’m in favor of making our State Gun the same one that we’ve used to pound Illinoisans and Minnesotans for generations: the right arm of a competent quarterback.
If the Cardinals continue to play like this we’ll have to stickum near the bottom of the division.
“And remember, Junior, if the teacher forgets to assign homework, make sure you point that out before your classmates clear out.”
Of course police told them they did nothing wrong; prostitution is completely legal in Horry County.
But I thought more guns = more safety. And an armed society is a polite society. And I also thought that alcohol sales were banned in SEC stadiums. And also, Hitler disarmed the Germans when he took over (not really, but I read it somewhere). Why can’t I bring my arsenal in to cheer on the Hogs?1Q?! How else are the…
I was always told not to feed dogs people food.
Oh god.
Pete: Well I’ll be a sonofabitch. Delmar’s been saved.
let’s remember some dads!
Bad news, the Trump administration has now outlawed Tuesdays.
I’ve become convinced that reality is broken.
You should see what happened to his brother, Michael.
That poop story was great. Reminds me of when my second kid was 3 and wearing pullups, because his mother and me were trying to convince ourselves that he was close to being ready to use the toilet, but he still needed diapers. I was swapping out a pee diaper with him standing—(SEE, JUST LIKE REAL UNDERWEAR! ISN’T…
Blocked, banned, and reported
Not to pick nits, but the 2018 Olympics actually start one year from yesterday due to Korea being on the opposite side of the International Date Line of the U.S.
Wait for the surprise fourth act, “John Wall Tore His Achilles And I’m Going To Walk Into The Ocean Forever,” probably debuting any minute now.
Albert & The Wizards - A Three Act Play:
Yeah, Drew needs to do everyone a favor and STOP PREDICTING SHIT.
Umm...when you use all caps, the proper spelling is “FOOTBAW.”
Falcons (+3) 56, Patriots 0.