Jiminy Jillikers

Your description almost makes me want to revisit it. I saw it in the theater and was disappointed, but it may have been a question of expectations.

I basically agree 100%. I don't enjoy Gaiman's whimsy much but he can be terrifying. Pterry has always had a way with a one-liner but the plotlessness of those early 5 or so books is rough, especially since he really got great at plotting later on.

THat's probably fair. That ending was a disaster though. Maybe the director's cut was better?

I'm very tall. But I don't live on Oahu.

I like him in the X-Man movies but all his solo movies are awful. Yes, even The Wolverine. Dull, somber BS.

Do you like Pratchett and/or Gaiman? Part of the issue is probably how old that book is too—it might be controversial to say but the first 3 Discworld books are almost unreadable and they gradually improve until they hit their stride around Guards, Guards. GO feels more like those earlier, plot-lite, goofiness-high

I love Pratchett and am mixed on Gaiman and I thought GO basically had the bad points of both and lacked the charm of either. It wasn't terrible, but I'd rather read any of either of their standalone novels.

Sorry to hear about your relationship. If reading the existentialists doesn't, pick you up, nothing will.

I've only read Camus (The Stranger, The Plague, The Fall) and Kierkegaard (Fear and Trembling, assorted essays) but I think Camus is very enjoyable. I have Nausea sitting on my bookself but every time I pick it up, I'm like, nah.

I would skip the books by Frank and move on to the Brian Herbert/Kevin J. Anderson books. Much better.

Sorry, I picked the wrong one to respond to. :(

No, I mean, I do get where you're coming from. In fact, if I'm being honest, I felt that way about Beyonce until Lemonade, which i really connected with and it led me to reassess her as an artist. Everyone is susceptible.

I guess I think asserting individuality in that way is pretty lame. I've been listening to the sound of a cassette tape snarled in my tape deck all day! I bet no one else is listening to that.

I think for myself and I thought it was pretty cool. But I recognize your right to think differently for yourself. ;)

Sounds like you definitely went into it with an open mind.

Black or white, a) it's not objective fact that Adele is a better singer and b) what difference does it make? If we awarded Grammies based on best singer, some opera singer would win every year. This is a lame argument any way you look at it.

It was both? Also, what's up with all the people who've never posted here coming out to rag on Beyonce?

I don't really understand this. I understand not listening to something because you don't care. But I don't see how not caring is congruent with writing posts on a message board, on an article, about the album/artist you don't care about. In the time it takes to write a few of these things, you could listen to the

I'd like to see what he could do with Kublai Khan and Marco Polo's homoerotic tension in Invisible Cities!

The Man Who Was Thursday pinned them down 80 years ago.