Jiminy Jillikers

I kind of get it though—its not too hard to imagine Waiting for Godot being imagined as a teenage love story with existential overtones or something stupid like that.

Good = I can afford them and they don't fall part for a few months.

How in the world would you adapt any of Beckett's novels?

Steinbeck is a really up and down writer (even withing a single work) but his stuff is usually at least fun to read. East of Eden is his best book, imo, but even there there's a magical Chinaman and some weird gender politics. But it's a great book.

I live at TJ MAX and this is true.

That is true. However, they do have good coats for cheap.


Is this a real quote?

This is also one of the best features on the site so I'm glad to hear they let you do what you want.

I have not seen this show. I am curious if you plan on watching it. I am genuinely interested to hear your thoughts if you do.

In my font, this looks like a lower-case "L". So I assume they're producing a revival season?

It's nice to see that something can get Chaffetz to do something besides slavishly back Trump.

I could buy his as a Mailer-esque writer.

David Foster Wallace wrote about him extensively in Consider the Lobster, the essay Big Red Son. A real piece of trash person.


I like all three. But Meyers is by far the most substantial.

Still a good deal though, since a premium Spotify sub is $15/mo. $5/mo for NYT is pretty good.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, etc etc, but have you seen him as Cap? I'm a lifelong fan of the character and I think he nails it.

Weird wire.

Haha, I understand your reluctance! Paul definitely has a narrower focus and in terms of weight, I give preference to Jesus. I haven't read the Wright book either (though I've read some of his shorter works) but I'm a bit of a theology buff, so maybe someday?