
Neutral: If you could name a car brand, what would you name it?

My brother bought one of these EXPs, just like the one in the picture. I swear that it spent more time on the flatbed than it did in our driveway.

They’re a little tacky, but I wouldn’t call them revolting.

Excellent company name as well!

I understand that sometimes mechanical things fail. I can see how machining debris can ruin an otherwise perfectly fine engine. What defies logic, other than to play down the severity of the issue, it how anyone can characterize a bearing failure leading to engine seizure as “stalling”.

I don’t follow Formula 1 racing, but I may start if this guy will be commentating. He made it interesting and entertaining. Plus, he sounds like everyone I grew up with in NJ.

However, had she even called the police then this guy was in for a world of hurt and grief. It doesn’t need to go through a long trial to effectively ruin this guy’s life.

Yes, but she used her sex as a weapon , threatening to falsely accuse him of rape. In this case, a sexual slur is appropriate. By doing this, she makes it that much harder for real victims of rape/sexual abuse/harassment. If anything, women everywhere should be openly calling her out as an enemy of human rights,

I drive a Trailblazer.

Props for the Deuce-and-a-Quarter!

Why the baked ziti hate?

Loser gets two Chevettes.

coupe x four?

See, that’s the problem with you field mechanics: It was an inspection hole, not a replacement hole. You guys want everything!

That’s not an engine—it’s an H.R. Geiger nightmare painting.

An expert says, “If you can’t do it right, don’t do it at all.”

I believe that one definition of comedy is, “Tragedy happening to someone else.”

I have GOT to work the phrase “sentient hoagies” into my casual discussions.

Nope. The insult was a perfectly reasonable response to shut down the conflict.

I can understand the logic behind using a FWD package: compact, lightweight and no driveshaft tunnel to worry about under the camper. But...