Gus McCrae

And how, in your opinion, might a woman do that?

"Hey, I've got an idea - "We rehash 'Time After Time', but with male models instead of real actors…!"

It's funny cause it's true…! :)

But in the event they have to kill Stan - like, if he found out and had one of them at gunpoint, or something along those lines - I think Phillip has to be the one to do it (Elizabeth would do it in a heartbeat with little to no remorse, while Phillip would also do it in a heartbeat, but it would wreck him).

I would agree with you on the "spy-craft 101"…but for Elizabeth saying to Randy "You should have asked" (About the nature of what he was involved in) before they killed him. They might have/probably would have killed him regardless, but this seemed to be more "personal" than just "wrong place, wrong time" murder.

Yeah, it feels like there's been a shift in her attitude toward him - I think she approved of his passion at one point (Or at least understands it), but is increasingly worried about how emotionally volatile he is (And as I wrote that, I found myself thinking of her talk with Paige, and the "You don't reveal

Maybe…but it might be that they've kinda/sorta "painted themselves into a corner" - If he's onscreen and continues to be oblivious to what's happening, it strains credibility and/or becomes more and more of a joke (It also makes them spend screen time on something that is increasingly disconnected to the main plot).

I don't think he killed it, but is he using it? Definitely.

I thought that was somewhat implied last night when Elizabeth said "I'm tired of treating her like a kid!" (Or words to that effect) before they had the "special technique" conversation with her - If not active dislike, certainly impatience/annoyance.

That sounds like my life story…

You're kidding, right?

I don't think that works - The idea that Obama made routinely made bad deals is primarily a right-wing talking point/opinion - that would fly on that "Red Eye" show on Fox that got cancelled, but not on SNL (And more specifically, I don't think the Bergdahl thing really caught fire enough amongst the general public

So, let's hear your pitch for some sketches,,,

It was a thing. It just wasn't YOUR thing.

He's playing the role of "cuckold" while not actually being one

I don't think it's that specific "historically", but it seems the dominant theme on the Internet…from what I've heard.

"Most Americans" didn't vote for Trump, so what's you point?

Cause "any attention is good attention" for folks like you. Which is why you'd get on a website like this and argue against a statement that was a call for common decency, then wonder why people see you as a sad little troll, if not an out-and-out POS.

Now who's being disingenuous…?

So you were offended because someone famous said making fun of handicapped people wasn't nice - Got it.(Are you one of those "delicate snowflakes" I've been hearing so much about lately?)