Gus McCrae

I did notice, while watching her special on Netflix, that she is an attractive woman, in addition to being - in my own estimation - quite funny.

Exactly this.

Exactly right.

For some reason, I feel like I should be troubled by this, but I'm not.

No, just saying that it seems Louis CK has that concern for his daughters - A "What if?" worry - that he's put into his writing.

Yeah, I was actually starting to feel that tonight - I wouldn't have been shocked if he'd done it at the VFW Hall.

It's not the first time we've seen her seem fairly unstable. I'd say that's a genuine concern of Louis Ck's as well.

I'm sure we agree on many things…but this is not one of them.

This article says way more about William Hughes than it does about Robert Downey Jr…

Yeah, I was right there with ya on that.

I'm assuming you mean that Bolan did a lot of cocaine, and Leno is a pussy…

Reads more like he's being critical of society than of Frank Gallagher. In any case, while he might be admitting he's a "loser" by the standards of a "lesbian, yogurt eating" society, he's still not portraying the same brand of sad-sack as his collection of losers onscreen.

Beyond being tv, I think his role on Shameless is different - His cinematic "loser" roles are characters who are losers internally (Deep inside, they know they're "losers"), while Frank on "Shameless" thinks he's a rebel, an iconoclast, anything but a "loser".

Agreed - It's one of those lines where you immediately think, "No one has ever said this in real life, or ever would".

It was something of a continuing mystery when I was still watching the show - some allusions to magical goings-on and such - but I don't know if they've since explained it.

I had to remind myself who Doyle was. I am…ashamed.

Speaking of Rectify, did it get another season?

"Poorly chosen"…or PERFECTLY chosen?

I think that's a major dilemma for the writers and the show - It sure seems like he has to kill her, but if he does, hard to see how it doesn't do irreparable damage to the character. The only way out is if she kills herself - which they've kinda/sorta foreshadowed - leaving us with a Philip who didn't actually "do

Based on Elizabeth's line, "We don't know what we're dealing with…", I thought they both went in case Paige had told their secret, and they had to kill the Pastor and his wife.