
Oh yes.... The natives should have trademarked their culture between the genocide, rape, land theft and marginalization. To do it now is just silly. You are the inspiration for Get Out.

This is pretty fucking stupid. I am an artist and have paid major homage to the First Americans of the PNW in the US in my art. That being said, misleading and misrepresentation are bad, obviously, but banning/punishing “cultural appropriation” is an absurd notion.

Zealots be zealous.

This, folks, is the great negotiator, Donald J. Trump, at work. Not hard to see why he’s run so many businesses into the ground....

Okay, where to start...

Yeah but there is 3rd gen synths who have emotions out way before you leave the vault, I know you’re probably joking but this theory is really hard to prove, hell Nick can feel emotions it just does not make sense