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    About 58% of American’s voted. Less than half of those voted for Trump. I’ve read a couple articles that said if voter apathy had been a bit less Clinton would have won. So less than 30% of Americans get to have their racist, sexist, homophobic last kick at the can because a large chunk of voters didn’t find Clinton

    You are wrong. The civil war was 2 decades in the making and just needed one final push. That push was Lincoln winning without a single southern state. Had Jackson been president instead, based on his violent history the North may have attempted a coup and started the civil war instead. Honestly any number of things

    I got so used to Republicans actually shutting down the government and threatening to do so, so often that hearing them talk about how bad that is now is really confusing ...

    this group’s cheap publicity stunt is beyond the pale of legitimate public discourse

    Fox News will use clips from this commercial to prove that Paid Protestors are a thing

    It boggles my mind what a recessive religious conservative nation the US is. Screw with free elections a bit more and they are just the western version of Iran.

    Why is the government even paying to protect him? He should contract the work out, lowest bid wins. He could even negotiate with the security company himself to cut costs there.

    I was a mind melter back in the day :)

    Tanslation: “All I wanted to do was take away the rights of people to do things that make them happy or comfortable and now people are taking away my rights to do things that make me happy and comfortable.”

    Do silencers work like they do in movies? Could you put one on an AR-15? Would it make it quiet enough for a mass shooter type to shoot longer before an alarm was raised? This seems like a terrible idea. (I know nothing of real guns so questions were not sarcastic)

    Hey just to let you know an Onion article was posted here by accident. There is no way a person would ever say this. Obvious fake.

    The CDC is not allowed to spend any of its budget on researching deaths related to guns, because actual data would be terrifying. Now this. Great job America, you guys are rocking it.

    I used to find American politics funny, then sad and now aggrivating. Do you people not care about each other at all anymore? In an election filled with issues this important only 55% of you bothered to vote. Between this and the inability to pass national gun safety laws, not even gun control just basic safety

    Why did the Grognak the Barbarian outfit not get the same love. I loved my playthrough as a person who’s mind broke entirely after being unfrozen and decided he was actually his favorite sword and sandals character come to life.

    I have not watched boxing in a very long time as it is a seriously crooked sport on a lot of levels but this was honestly shocking. The lack of a count on the knockdowns was disgusting. Between this and the heavyweight gold going to the Russian fighter who was beaten in all three rounds I am just floored by the

    Did you read the HuffPo article where a doctor goes through Trump’s letter from his doctor? It is insane on a new level.

    I’ve leveled using a controller and loved it. End game did not work as well, just too hard to keep up with some fights.

    I’ve been out of WoW for about 2 years and plan to re-sub for Legion. Crap like this and the huge amount of botting/cheating drove me out in the first place. Blizzard should run a much tighter ship when it comes to addons and this sort of garbage.

    Fallout would be a awesome tv series. Equal parts horror, comedy & drama

    Oh man I forgot about the robot on the constitution