So if somebody steals your bike they get a free phone off you too?
So if somebody steals your bike they get a free phone off you too?
Where can i find this browser based player?
There are different levels of tech-savvy :)
No quicker than regular SSD and only as fast as regular HDD for files you don't often use.
Most people who work at Google are nothing to do with G+
I don't suppose Apple will ever let that happen.
Apple doesn't allow apps to control parts of the phone that Siri can.
What are you even complaining about?
What comment?
How do you give each section a name?
Anyone know if this is US only?
Because that's how companies work...
Sky makes you have a land line to have internet.
Well said.
I love how people think they know better than huge corporations. If you don't like the idea, just don't get one.