Coughlin has already run afoul of the NFLPA twice. Once... for attempting to launch the team’s offseason training program earlier than allowed.
“the Warrant is coming out of my balls.”
I was thinking something like JavaScript would be a good choice since you can use it for front end and back end development.
Someone who gets paid $3,000/game to referee.
“What’s a roof?”
Did Fagin really attempt to snub Walton, or was it more of an artful dodge?
“Like Jesus, Tim Tebow is also 3 Days Late”
“God Watches Tim Tebow Plate Appearance; God Denies Tim Tebow Three Times”
This is a solid headline right here.
But how does he feel about kids in the clubhouse?
No guns at the stadium? Guess they’ll have to go back to the old way of protecting this house, with Under Armour.
If you think you can predict where an armed battalion of Redcoats will show up, bossing you around and commandeering your house for soldiers’ quarters, then best of luck in your fool’s paradise.
Being employed at Galileo, it is surprising to find that Papa thinks everything revolves around him.
Agreed. The best Vinnie’s kid could do was open a car dealership in Connecticut.
Who could resist the lure of the superior potassium?
I thought “Bacillus Cereus” was a character on Spartacus.
- Bill Belichick, on New York Jets defensive schemes
“’10% of NFL teams”? Why not just say ‘a handful’?”
We’ll have Curt Schilling trick Rhode Island into paying for it.
When asked for comment “You dont want rings, I give you watch. Watch is better”