
Nancy Grace’s mind: The only place where one can be guilty even AFTER legally declared innocent.

How do they know the 144K haven’t already been picked?

I love your Finley-veiled attempt at humor.

The correct meteorological term is “Poonami”. “Shartnado” is also acceptable.

I feel embiggened.

+1 extra time

I am a fan of your blunt analysis.

“Turns into” implies she was something other than a racist pumpkin.


Undercooked cheeseburgers in paradise.

Found exclusively at Steve & Barry’s, next to all the Starburys.

Turns out A.C. is the one driving this account.

They’ll call him again.

There’s a similar animation of a ferris wheel that twists and contorts as it expands to almost twice its size.

I remember New York Seltzer, but those did have a slight tinge to them. My favorite was grape flavor, and it had a faint purple tint to it. They also contained sugar, and were sticky if the carbonation bubbled over.

Other sports have the benefit of punishing the coach (and team) before an ejection happens. A technical foul results in free throws. A UNS in football is a 15-yard penalty. In hockey, it can result in a 2-minute power play. Baseball doesn’t have those options.

Somewhere in Vegas, Ron Jeremy sheds a tear.

Of the breaking? Fallon just looked like a bad actor who couldn’t keep a straight face, always mugging for the camera whenever he and Sanz were in the same sketch.