Darrell Brooks' Driving Instructor

It’s hard to know exactly how the mammoth tusk ended up so far from shore

People of color definitely use excessive force with their vehicles.

Which “people of color” group is this? The one that truly is all races, or the one that in reality is just blacks and excludes all the other minorities?

Reuters is totally fake news.

“Yet Rittenhouse says he supports BLM, despite killing men who were protesting as allies, and that he’s not racist”

Another masterpiece Mr. Harriot. Bravo, slow-clap, snaps, spirit fingers and all that jazz. I do applaud the spirit of this piece for how it tried to be funny. I give you an A for effort, but your execution left something to be desired.

You must not read much.

Unsurprisingly, you had to fire off one last racist screed before you left. Bon Voyage, Mr. Harriot.

Oh thank god, jezebel was comming for the Root’s #1 favorite racist website in my heart.

There is nothing worse than the crusade to come because it is the death of billions of innocents and what Paul is desperate to avert, even at the cost of personal connections.

Duke Leto is glancing at an ancient Grecian tablet showing a man and a bull, possibly readying for a sacrifice.

He owns the Washington Post. 

Oh please, Game of Thrones was so ‘bad’ that Jezebel ran a detailed report of each new episode to discuss how ‘bad’ it was. And these guys were so terrible that everyone thought Game of Thrones sucked right from the beginning. Which is why they made like 8 seasons of it. Which everyone hated.

Only four more years of Trump can save us all from this mess that’s Obama’s fault, and that Joe Biden came from the future to give us a taste of.

She dated a dangerous drug dealer for 7 years and was still hooked up with him.^

I just always assumed Steve Miller has the worst with Texas, Facts is, Justice, taxes

Good. This man is a hero and a Patriot, but the Pro-Criminal Democrats are going to try and pin some kind of charges on him. He should have just emptied 5000 rounds into a tighter packed crowd and just plead temporary insanity and they would give him a disability check. The funny thing about it why it is even on

Says the guy spitting on the graves of every soldier who fought in Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War.  People like you would gladly be collaborating with the enemy as long as you got to play your video games.