
Of course, it is one thing if China is making its maritime revisions to counter the America’s naval influence in the area, which is totally reasonable. China is the world power in that area; they’re within their rights to not have the U.S. encroach on their territory. But when it comes to smaller nations like the

Are you sure that first picture isn’t some gaming PC case?


Early C3s, with the metal bumpers and less wheel arch, were aesthetically the best representation of the C3, and to me in some ways are better looking than C2s. It was when they went to plastic bumpers, more curvy arches, and that rounded chopped rear end, that the corvette went full 70s lunacy. It started to lose its

<If Russian troops can enter Estonia or Poland, in theory, why not Germany as well?>

I’m in agreement with you there, also there will probably be burgeoning economies within countries that are incorporated within the new Silk Road project (One Belt, One Road policy) that barely make news like Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbhaijan, Kazakhstan and Armenia, where they’ve teamed up with Russia, China,

I hate like-pandering. I hate it so much. If you have to beg people to hit the like button, you’re not likeable enough. Stop. STOP.

I 100% second this nomination. The Saturn S Series is nasty cheap these days. Any year. 

You wouldn’t put an E30 M3 on the track? And he is the heathen?

Heathen, yes. In an ideal world, absolutly I would track that thing! The amount of abuse it has already gone through, it deserves a second life.

I still think a 2007 car is new, and still think I’m in my twenties, so calling it 16 years old worked fine for me.

Both floorpans rotted out and people will still deny it’s just a Beetle in drag!

That’s why I wrote it up for you!

And even if you have the money leasing can be smart. For someone with options I actually think it’s smarter. Provided the interest rate on the lease is the same as the financing rate (and it’s usually close). The lease is financially equivalent to financing with a balloon payment at the end. However with a lease, you

Respectfully no, it wasn’t worse than Hillary’s email scandal. Petraeus shared classified info with a person who at least had a security clearance.

99 C43. however, in full disclosure when it hit 297k it needed a new timing chain due to rattle. $1700 from my indie to replace.

Exactly. Driving pleasure is the point. 0-60 Times and so called "formula 1" pedigree are only necessary to sell these things to clueless idiots. That video pretty much captures everything wonderful about pre-e diff, pre flappy paddle, and pre apparel Ferraris.

I still stand in my garage and stare at it and can't believe it's mine. If you're ever in Arizona, you're welcome to take mine for a drive. I also have a Boxster S and a 1988 911, which I love dearly. But none have the character and gorgeous lines of the 308. It's an easy and enjoyable car to own, and totally