ANSWER: Get rid of your cars. Buy a motorcycle.
ANSWER: Get rid of your cars. Buy a motorcycle.
This is awesome ... wow.
Slightly off-topic, but has anyone ever seen LeBlanc in his show Episodes? It’s sooooooo GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD... forever a fan of his.
God bless the grid girls.. such a shame .. bring them back!!
This is solid advice and also my mantra for riding motorcycles! Always assume you’re invisible!
This does impress me, and I was a Detroit to NYC transplant for 6 of the best years of my life. I rode my bicycle, and motorcycle around all boroughs and it was really fun - and truly the best way to get around. F cars.. I still hate them now that I’m back in Detroit, NYC made me hate driving.
This guy can’t be bullied enough .. I love every part of this. Stalk him, ruin him, make his life miserable, don’t apologize. I hope he is never able to work again. He’s a racist xenophobic pile of sh*t and should be treated as such.
.. or just shut it down. If Bezos did this, he would be a hero to the planet. But, I suspect Fox 2.0 would pop up somewhere else.
I hope someone puts that guy in a cage and submerges him in a barrel full of water. What a disgusting human being. Those poor kids.. as some said here, this is not something you would ever forget. “A man of faith...” f*ck you.
I wouldn’t stop by Hagerty, they will probably drop his insurance on the spot because he’s actually driving his classic car.
My guess is that this car will be “sold” - entered into contract between buyer and seller that on the first day of the 25th month, the winner of the auction takes possession of the car. This is an easy way around Ford’s BS policy about re-selling the cars, and the seller can take advantage of top of market pricing.
Bye, SnapChat!
I worked retail for many years and frankly.. this isn’t a Home Depot problem, all of these emails literally describe every retail store environment. I think it’s unfair to single out one company. Plus, it’s pretty clear that store to store, area to area, things are vastly different.
These are worth less than the C3 underneath which isn’t saying much - $2,500 maybe?
I’m 42, and frankly I’ve had more “life changing” experiences than I thank any person should have at my age. Some self-inflicted, some purely circumstantial .. I would say the biggest single change for me was to move from suburban Detroit to New York City (Manhattan), in 2009.
Goodness .. no you never get over it, but you learn to cope and live with it as the years progress. Sorry to hear about this..
My 1966 Fiat 1500 - Bought it back in 1998, sold it in 2000, bought it back in 2007. I will never, ever part with it. I originally bought it when I was in college, reminds me of so many things - but also, it’s pretty cool!
If someone gave this to me for free, I still wouldn’t want it. I would drive it to the scrap yard as a favor to all of humanity. You’re welcome, earth!
.. or a call to AAA for some gas would have had you on your way in an hour .. this is weird dude.
Anyone who screws Betsy DeVos out of $100M is a hero.