
Haha, kind of. Which wouldn't be so bad if I was 58 instead of 28. My generation is supposed to be crazy for this shit.

Just a reminder of some of the things that have happened since Rae Carruth’s arrest and conviction:

I think the Mets fan is in fact joking around himself. We have now entered the infinite feedback loop of jokes and possibly not getting jokes and commenting about not getting jokes that were possibly just jokes themselves, or as I like to call it: Peak Deadspin.

If you think that’s cool you should see the newspaper throw tricks David Carr does at 3 AM every day. Legend.

These bystanders weren’t so heroic.

After beating the living shit out of four clubbers in the bathroom, Nick went on to infect several Vegas hookers with his other signature move, the Stockton Clap.

I, personally, am all for a crackdown, infield or out.

There’s an article on The Economist from 2010 or so called “American Railways: High-speed railroading”. It expands on this article pretty well.

“Once back on dry land and exhausted, the elderly gentleman was overhead telling his rescuers ‘if only it was that easy to rescue my sinking resale value.....’”

Eva Green, that’s why.

I guess I just don’t understand why this WYTS article has words, and isn’t just this:

Dinner, uh, finds a way.

I had this on my wall in 7th & 8th grade

Like an unwanted houseguest, we should just hold our ground and/or double down on our behavior to make the host give up.

This seems like an odd route to take to try and raise the money to finish building the Olympic venues.

It doesn’t make sense that they wouldn’t have a 2nd person look at that play before moving on. I can’t believe they didn’t double Czech.

I feel very, very small right now.

You never mentioned whether she’d had the fish too!

Little known exception in PA is that if the owner finds you and you’ve already disposed the item, you’re obliged to give him 10 pounds of scrapple.