
Let’s just say R2 invented the term “power bottom”.

I wouldn’t say “lovers”. It’s mostly hate-fucking at this point.

hadn’t thought of it, but Will Forte already looks like he was drawn by Jeff Lemire. Perfect casting!

Gaiman’s challenge questions

KC Green knows exactly why this was started.

“See, if there’s one thing that hurts the modern WWE product, it’s that it routinely offers up its workhorses to celebrities—including The Rock—that only show up when it’s convenient for them”

Oh no! I was getting something from under my bed and now I am stuck! And the parents aren’t home!

The fuck? Did they cram every “rich people are the goddamned worst” trope into one building!?

There are two parts the New York Palace: the regular hotel, which is for the commoners, and “The Towers,” which are three-floor penthouses. This happened about 20 years ago, and at the time they were the most expensive hotel accommodations in NYC — more than the Plaza or the St. Regis. I remember that half a

I find it funny now, if that helps.

When I was a kid we were feeding seagulls nachos at a waterpark, and then we thought it would be funny to throw some on my mom while she was napping in a deck chair. It turns out it was not funny and we got grounded for a long time.

“Somewhat bafflingly, the organizers of the Diverse Edition promotion have stated that they chose the books they did specifically because the texts in question never specify the characters’ race.” 

I believe you mean: William “Jacked, son” Harper.

I’m going to need William Jackson Harper to not be so jacked. It’s really putting me to shame as I stuff a pastry into my face.

I’ve always been more of a Maggie fan. After 20 something years I still chuckle every time she falls down. 

Nothing depressing about it. Emotional, yes, but not depressing*. All the characters have been dead since before the series actually starts after all. This wasn’t suicide it was moving on from known existence when true happiness and contentment was realized.

*-Some people might view Janet not being able to pass on as


Neil Gaiman’s “George R. R. Martin is not your bitch” is the only useful celebrity thought on criticism I can think of and even that’s not a slam dunk.

Seems weird to be searching twitter for SNL constantly and dragging a random dude for mild criticism. Maybe try meditation?